
For a great tasting coffee

The Moccaserver features a glass jug and brews 2 full 15-cups pots of coffee in seven minutes. The coffee is then held on the unique hotplate that keeps the coffee hot and to ensure an even taste from the first cup to the last drop. The machine is available with auto-fill for extra convenience. The capacity is approximately 144 cups (15Ltr) per hour.

All Moccamaster filter Coffeemakers are handmade in the Netherlands and have a 2-year warranty for professional use.

Ideal for

• Restaurants
• Small offices
• Coffee shops


• A quiet, simple to operate  brewing process
• Unique, copper boiling element
• Pre-immersion drip-style system
• Durable metal housings
• Removable parts
• Ideal water saturation time
• Glass jug maintains coffee quality

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